Meet our Coalist Cooperative

Only if we stay small, grounded, with a daily dose of reality, can we stay who we are, will we be happy and successful. We support small IT service providers with a common platform, brand and one common voice to our customers.

Become a member
Cooperative at its purest.

An autonomous association of persons or entities united voluntarily to meet their common economic needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned enterprise.

Alliance to emphasise autonomy and independence.

We appreciate our own company, size and independence, but we want to have allies and unite to be stronger and cover a wider range.

-ist as the suffix for a practitioner

We are all doers and appreciate our craftsmanship. A person who practices something or holds certain principles: physicist; chemist; psychologist, etc.

Our vision

We believe in small businesses. Be it the nice bakery around the corner, the high-quality food from your local farmer or the fantastic espresso from the fancy barista next to your home. What do they have in common? Love. Love for their products and craftsmanship. Small businesses stay real and grounded with their purpose and don’t get lost in bureaucracy, 10-year financial strategies or company reorganisations. Where do you prefer to buy your bread?

At coalist we all believe in this philosophy. Only if we stay small, grounded, with a daily dose of reality, can we stay who we are, will we be happy and successful.

However, there are some downsides to being small and sometimes alone. Exchanging ideas in larger groups of co-workers, engaging in larger projects with mixed demands or developing a digital product for a client which requires more resources or skills you can or are willing to offer.

We experienced exactly the same and wanted to change something. This was the beginning of coalist. A cooperative which helps small IT service providers to cooperate within a community of other peer businesses. We support them with a common platform, brand and one common voice to our customers.

Let’s share opportunities and reduce risks, together!

Facts & Figures

Coalist in numbers

  • 24.10.2020

    Founding Date

  • 50+ experts


  • Zürich & Bern


  • 5 Directors

    Board of Administration


Cooperative structure

Fostering knowledge is important for you personally and for the growth of your business.

We all gain experience in our careers and if we keep sharing them with each other, we can learn and grow together. At coalist we strongly believe in the collective knowledge and we want to share our experience with you! Visit our knowledge area for interesting articles or to visit one of our workshops.


Cooperative structure


Board members

Bruno Kaiser

Board Member

Proven leader with strong technical IT background and enthusiasm for new things.

Roman Spycher

Board Member

Experienced yet still passionated software developer, relatively talented in visual design and user experience (for a dev).

Diego Adolf

Chairman of the Board

Diego Adolf studied Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the ETH Zurich. For several years he worked as a software engineer in the financial, insurance, and machine industries. His curiosity and entrepreneurship led him to found his own company through which he supported several startups and developed digital products.

Samuel Moser

Board Member

Samuel Moser is a Software Engineer and experienced project manager / consultant with years of experience in IT and a broad spectrum of business domain experiences.

Photo of Tutor Gion Kunz

Gion Kunz

Board Member

Working in a professional environment as a full-stack developer with over 15 years of experience, Gion decided to fully focus on frontend technologies and UX engineering for the past 8 years. He's a google developer expert for Angular since 2018, teaches at the SAE Institute in Zurich, holds a lot of workshops and talks on conferences and meetups when ever possible. He authored the book "Mastering Angular Components" and loves to think about user interface architecture.

Become a part of the coalist team

If you're interested in becoming a member, fill out the contact form.

Why Coalist?

  • Shared Client Portfolio

    Engage in larger projects together with other coalist members, instead of working alone or in a small team.

  • Knowledge Sharing

    Benefit from knowledge sharing amongst our experts and consult with them for specific tasks in projects.

  • Infrastructure

    Use our tools for communication and administrative tasks instead of reinventing the wheel within your company.

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